What's New
Welcome to American Liberty Forum, the grateful and indebted offspring of Park Cities Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, founded by Russ Ramsland in 2009. Under Russ’ extraordinary leadership, we’ve had 10 years of relentless exertion and unswerving devotion to the cause of fiscal responsibility, limited government, personal responsibility, rule of law, and national sovereignty. Thanks to Russ, we are smarter, tougher, and more engaged in the political process. With Russ’ blessings, we are ready to take on the next 10 years with a bit of a facelift and new name. The principles are the same and the essence of who we are remains as strong as ever. The only difference will be an easier to say and remember (for our non-Dallas friends) name, as well as, an easier to use, content-rich storehouse of essential information. The ultimate goal, as always, is to educate and motivate the citizenry to participate in the governance of our cities, counties, states, and nation for the noble and godly cause of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all. Stay strong, stay engaged, and as Russ always said, “Let’s go get ‘em!”
About the Author:Beth Biesel is the Editor of the americanlibertyforum.org "What's New" Blog
Start Here:Christian's Civic Responsibility Categories
April 2022
American Liberty Forum
The content of this website reflects the Judeo-Christian Worldview. If images or content have inadvertently been taken from another site without proper acknowledgements/credits, contact [email protected]. |