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![]() After reading this article on the American Renewal Project website, I cemented my long held belief that the Christians must save America from socialism and godlessness. Read this article by Senator James Lankford (Oklahoma) and tell me what you think. If, indeed, it is our job to save America, then how do we do it? What are you willing to do? "Senator James Lankford (Oklahoma) once invited an audience to “name one book in the Old Testament that is not written by, to or about political leaders.” He then offered, “I think there are three in total. I’ll make you figure out the three … Job is one.” And yet, over the last century theological heresy has so adulterated modern Christendom that seminaries appear to be yielding disciples cast in the mould of Epicurus. “We don’t do politics,” they highbrow with a whiff of Epicureanism, an arcane academic approach where the rough and tumble of civic responsibility is shunned for a more peaceful, happy and tranquil life. In order to juxtapose early American Christianity to the modern version, let’s take two paragraphs from B.F. Morris’ 1864 classic The Christian Life and Character of The Civil Institutions of The United States: “The persecutions of the Puritans in England for non-conformity, and the religious agitations and conflicts in Germany by Luther, in Geneva by Calvin, and in Scotland by Knox, were the preparatory ordeals for qualifying Christian men for the work of establishing the civil institutions on the American continent. ‘God sifted’ in these conflicts ‘a whole nation that He might send choice grain over into the wilderness’; and the blood and persecution of martyrs became the seed of both the church and the state.” “It was in these schools of fiery trial that the founders of the American republic were educated and prepared for their grand Christian mission, and in which their faith and characters became strong and earnest with Christian truth. They were trained in stormy times, in order to prepare them to elaborate and establish the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty and of just systems of civil government.” There is a staggering lack of Biblically-based knowledge and impact in America’s public square. Secularism, Christianity’s chief competitor, thrives solely in the absence of morality, and Christians have handed over the culture and its mountains of influence to those in rebellion against God. Any casual observer will recognize that secularism’s dominance of academia, newsrooms, sports, the Courts, big business, Hollywood, and medicine is a direct result of Christians ‘not doing politics’. It would seem that modern Christianity is ‘not doing education’ either, given that the secular worldview now is being spoon-fed to 85% of America’s youth. Until Christians step into the public square, reestablishing a Biblically-based culture, the ‘sexualization’ and secularization of youth, allied and abetted by Hollywood and media cliques, will continue to bring the nation to ruin. “Politicians are actors performing a script, written by the audience,” Russell Kirk observed. But, since politics is downstream from culture’s upper tributaries, secularists control the source by riding herd on public education, methodologies and teaching strategies through secular power structures. In founding America, Christians initiated a Biblically-based culture, which in turn produced outstanding men and women of character, whose customs, traditions and moral laws and standards brought forth an exceptional America. For a nation is not exalted by its military prowess or Gross Domestic Product, but by its righteousness. The Founders established the Bible as the anchor and cornerstone in order to judge, thereby inducing unity, structure and shape, which in due course joined a people together, and so fashioned a unique culture that came to be known as American Exceptionalism."
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![]() This kind of maneuvering gives me reason to doubt that things are on the up and up with the Dallas County Elections Department. Someone on Commissioner JJ Koch's staff wrote: "We caught Toni and JWP giving a portion of this $25 mil contract with ES&S to one of their political operatives. It was Jane Hamilton, who was Craig Watkin's consultant in 2006. If you check her FB page, you see her with BHO. She contracted out a portion to a man in PR with a Hispanic name. They were the people who were to ship the new election equipment from Omaha to Dallas and to recycle our old equipment. The attached is the documentation I got for JJ to use in court....he was great....called out continued corruption, pounded the desk and was the only no vote. Read More... Over the years, many people have asked me how I learned about various topics, whether it's about the proper role of government or about the principles of liberty and free markets. I decided to make a short list of my favorite books that have had the most impact on me and my political activism. I offer this list to you with no caveats, but with an exhortation to read everyone of them over and over. And then see what happens! For any given author, you can find multiple books written by that author, but I have listed just one per author. Here ya go:
Reverend Rafael Cruz, father of US Senator Ted Cruz, tells the story of America’s founding, on Judeo-Christian principles, and delivers a stern warning to everyone about the imminent threat from the radical left who want to destroy these guiding principles and this country. Rafael Cruz' clarion call to reclaim America is compelling. Attend Leadership Forum monthly meetings, formerly Park Cities Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, to connect with others who are actively engaged in the political culture at all levels. May 9, 2019 2nd Meeting of the Voting Center Advisory Council (VCAC)
As a proxy for Dallas Eagle Forum at the 2nd VCAC's meeting, I got a snoot full of *&^%$# from the Dallas County Elections Department's discussion on Voting Centers. Voting Centers are another top down, central planning solution without sufficient data to support the expense, the upheaval, the manpower, and the security vulnerabilities that will come with VCs. It’s a colossal Power Shift without firing a single shot, tantamount to stuffing the ballot box! VCs target particular voting populations, to the exclusion of others (ours) with the outcome of skewed vote results and increased likelihood of result manipulations. I believe VCs will ultimately eliminate all Election Judge positions for Republicans and effectively silence our voices at the ballot box. Ushering in the federalization of our election process, we lose local control of our elections with the Voting Centers. They strangely remind me of the UN Regional Center concept. About 98% of the room (50+) was filled with leftists, who were all worried about increasing ballot access for their constituents. About five of us were conservatives. One was Libertarian and he thinks VCs are good. After the 2020 Presidential election, traditional precinct polling places will be consolidated into regional Voting Centers. Less is more. Really? As far as I can tell no empirical evidence has been shown to justify the $7-10M price tag, nor have cost projections for annual expenses been shown. The Dallas County Elections Department says VCs will improve efficiency and cut costs with no objective measure of what either means. Except for meaning one thing: increasing voter turn out of a certain population. They all but proposed that ballots be available by Uber and Amazon right to your footstool, whether you're in the grocery store, the hospital, or the Post Office. They were real keen on using every subcategory of Census Data to find as many voters as possible. Did I mention that the VC's will use wireless networks right inside the polling place? Wait! Whatever happened to no cellphones and laptops?? Beware! Even the DOD cannot secure the air, so do you think Dallas County Elections Department can secure the ballots? Call Dallas County Elections Department to voice your opinion about Voting Centers. 214.819.6311. |
About the Author:Beth Biesel is the Editor of the americanlibertyforum.org "What's New" Blog
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April 2022
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