What's New
Did you know that China donated over $680+ million to 70+ college campuses and has been caught stealing American technological, scientific and military research?
Did you know that universities have not reported $4+ billion foreign government funding, of which $1.59 billion come from nations hostile to the US? Why did Qatar file suit to ensure that its connections to universities were not fully disclosed? A brand new must-see documentary, Covert Cash: What US Universities Don't Want You to Know About Their Foreign Funding, seeks to blow this subject wide open and drive awareness of the corruption and lack of transparency on campuses across America - those who allow foreign governments to gain influence and a nefarious foothold in the United States. Based on exclusive reporting, the film exposes the millions of unreported funds flowing into today’s elite campuses from some of the world's worst actors including China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Russia. As the fear of foreign meddling shadows the 2020 election, the student debt crisis looms over America's future generation and colleges charge full tuition for glorified zoom sessions, America needs to know what kind of influence is being bought by these countries on our children's and our country’s future. For More information, email [email protected].
American Liberty Forum invites you to join Debbie Georgatos with America, Can We Talk? at their all day conference with an all star cast. Read below:
About the Author:Beth Biesel is the Editor of the americanlibertyforum.org "What's New" Blog
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April 2022
American Liberty Forum
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